Additional Services
Recommended Lawn Care Add-ons
Enhance your lawn’s health with our specialized add-on services! From fungicide treatments and nutsedge control to organic and synthetic fertilizer programs, we have the perfect solution for a lush, vibrant lawn. Contact us today to see which services are right for you!
Fungicide Applications
Fungicide applications for turf is a critical tool for managing disease that can negatively affect lawns or athletic fields. The first step in disease control is proper identification. Our knowledgeable technicians are properly trained to look at the symptoms in the turf, as well as what environmental factors may be playing a role in fungal growth (e.g. humidity, moisture, high temperatures, etc.). With this information we can ID the disease and determine the best product needed to get control as quickly as possible. Curative applications (after the fungus is present) will stop the spread of the disease and stop the disease from being active. Depending on the disease it may take time for the grass to grow out and green back up. Preventive applications, are applied when environmental conditions promote specific diseases and can be applied prior to the fungus being active. This will help protect your lawn against harmful turf disease that could potentially cause long term damage.
Red Thread
Dollar Spot
Brown Patch
Summer Patch
Leaf Spot
Pythium Blight
Nutsedge Application
Yellow Nutsedge can be a challenging weed to control, but with the right approach, its impact on turf can be minimized. Yellow Nutsedge is a fast-growing sedge that is bright green/yellow in color and thrives in warm, humid conditions and moist soils. What makes Nutsedge so difficult to control is the nutlet which the weed grows from. If Nutsedge is a known problem in your lawn, a pre-emergent application has been shown to greatly reduce the Nutsedge population throughout the summer months. Applications are typically made early in the growing season before Nutsedge is visible, but when the nutlet is beginning to send up new shoots. Sometimes, multiple applications may be needed. Post-emergent applications can also be applied when a breakthrough occurs.
Nutsedge Application
Yellow Nutsedge can be a challenging weed to control, but with the right approach, its impact on turf can be minimized. Yellow Nutsedge is a fast-growing sedge that is bright green/yellow in color and thrives in warm, humid conditions and moist soils. What makes Nutsedge so difficult to control is the nutlet which the weed grows from. If Nutsedge is a known problem in your lawn, a pre-emergent application has been shown to greatly reduce the Nutsedge population throughout the summer months. Applications are typically made early in the growing season before Nutsedge is visible, but when the nutlet is beginning to send up new shoots. Sometimes, multiple applications may be needed. Post-emergent applications can also be applied when a breakthrough occurs.
Organic Fertilizer Program
Our Organic fertilizer program consists of 5 applications of 100% all-natural organic fertilizer. Focused on enhancing the soil health to support growing conditions for the turf. This program does not include any pesticides or synthetic products, so monitoring for grubs, insects, and turf diseases throughout the growing season is important. Weed breakthroughs will likely take place over time, so aeration and overseeding may be required in order to keep the lawn looking lush and healthy. The best defense against crabgrass and other weeds is a thick, dense lawn.
Synthetic Fertilizer Program
Our Synthetic fertilizer program consist of 5 applications of synthetic fertilizer. Depending on the time of the application these fertilizers are typically high in Nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth, chlorophyll production, and overall plant health. As well as Potassium which helps control plant stresses like drought or cold stress. Zero pesticides will be applied to your property, meaning your lawn may be more vulnerable for weed breakthrough, grub and insect activity, as well as disease outbreaks. For this reason, aeration and overseeding may be required to keep the lawn looking lush and healthy. The best defense against crabgrass and other weeds, is a thick, dense lawn.
Synthetic Fertilizer Program
Our Synthetic fertilizer program consist of 5 applications of synthetic fertilizer. Depending on the time of the application these fertilizers are typically high in Nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth, chlorophyll production, and overall plant health. As well as Potassium which helps control plant stresses like drought or cold stress. Zero pesticides will be applied to your property, meaning your lawn may be more vulnerable for weed breakthrough, grub and insect activity, as well as disease outbreaks. For this reason, aeration and overseeding may be required to keep the lawn looking lush and healthy. The best defense against crabgrass and other weeds, is a thick, dense lawn.